Hi, I'm Mena Filfil 👋

I'm an undergraduate @ MIT pursuing a Bachelor's and an MEng in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with a minor in Math. I love learning about all things relating to computer systems, embedded programming, low-level software, efficient machine learning, computer vision and graphics.

Over the last three years, I've interned at both startups and bigger companies (see my resume for more details), always looking for a challenging project and a chance to learn new technolgoies.

Outside of class, I spend a good amount of time working either on my research with the Computation Fabrication Group investigating generative 3D models that can conserve internal surface mesh consistency, or on one of my many personal projects.

I'm also a teaching assistant for MIT's introductory computer architecture course (6.1910) where students get to build their own 32-bit RISC-V processor from scratch in-simulation alongside many other computer components like caches in BlueSpec System Verilog.

Outside of classes and work, you can also find me sailing in the Charles when it's nice out, lifting, or grinding chess games with friends on Friday nights at Chess Club.

Feel free to reach out:

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